Similarly, while Byleth and, say, Dorothea are around the same age, it’s undeniably a little icky when you consider the power and authority imbalance in the relationship.
Yes, this really happened for those grimly curious, the movie was Palo Alto.Įmma Roberts, the actor playing Franco’s victim, was in reality 22 at the time of shooting, but that doesn’t matter because she is supposed to be a high school student. It’s about as sketchy as James Franco selling the film rights to his novella on the condition he get to play the central football coach who grooms and molests the teenage players. Though the romances only become serious post-timeskip when everyone is of a more appropriate age, it’s still something of a student-teacher relationship.
In the original game you play as Byleth, whose age is similar to the students around them, despite the fact they are a teacher. Perhaps it’s non-canonical, which seems like a waste of the potential it could have - it should be to Three Houses what Strikers was to Persona 5 - but would also allow for more experimental romances. Related: Fire Emblem Heroes Is Embarrassing Three Hopes seems to take place during the skip, based on both the character designs and the fact everyone is still alive, but also includes Byleth. When they awake, the titular three houses have been set against each other, their members scattered to the wind. Three Houses is split in two by a timeskip, during which point protagonist Byleth is out of action. I say Three Hopes is kind of a sequel, because it seems to take place in the middle. In fact, the game needs to let you be a throuple. The game is getting a sequel - kind of, more on that below - in the form of Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, and the romance needs to be given even more emphasis. Building relationships, romantic or not, is at the core of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and choosing who you romance is almost as influential as choosing your house in terms of how you define your playthrough. Fire Emblem is less a TRPG with romance elements than it is a dating sim with some tactical role-play.